Monday, May 24, 2010

Cruise Night, Classics and TTV Photography

We have a bunch of photos from the most recent Dunkin Donuts cruise night in Tonawanda, NY up on our Flickr page here including some in the newly popular TTV style. They are NOT photoshopped (it is possible to use Photoshop to create an effect somewhat similar to this), but these are true TTV, taken with a digital camera and an Argoflex EM TLR. I did do a little photoshop editing, mainly to "flip" the photos as they show up as a mirror image on the TLR and any with words or symbols would look pretty strange if I didn't edit them! TTV, or Through the Viewfinder, is a technique that uses an old TLR (Twin Lens Reflex) camera, usually from the 40's or 50's (ours is from 1948) to produce a nostalgic and unique effect. We hope to have some of these that are not identifiable brands available for sale soon as well.

We didn't make it with Eleanor. We were wrong on the source of the noise, and are continuing to trouble shoot. We'll post updates as we have them. "They are never done". Truer words have never been spoken in regards to the restoration of classics and hot rods!!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Coffee And Cars At Panera Bread

A local Panera Bread location is playing host to cruise MORNINGS. Yes, that is right, a cruise morning! It runs on Saturdays and is a nice change from cruise nights. Especially earlier in the show season! It might be hard to make if we're going to a further show, but for a close by show, it's a nice stop on the way. We took some photos at the one that ran this past weekend and hosted them on our Flickr page if you would like to check them out.

We did manage to take Eleanor (our 1973 Mustang Mach 1) this time. We replaced the grommet that protected the brake line and think we found the source of the squeek that disrupted our last trip. We'll have to shake her down to be sure, but since it's raining it won't be tonight! Just so I don't jinx it, I'll post another time what it was, if it was what we suspect. It wasn't the suspension!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Dunkin Donuts Cruise Night

Just got home from the cruise night and got the pics uploaded into an album on Facebook. We started off with Eleanor (our 1973 Mach 1 Mustang), but she seems to have decided to lose a grommet along the way. The grommet that protects the brake line where it passes through the inner fender apron. We decided we don't want that to rub (being important and all), so we took the daily driver. Nice night, nice people, glad that spring has sprung and brought cruise nights and car show season back with it! My personal favorite was a lovely Fairlane, with all kinds of great options, but the blue Cougar was pretty nice too! And, the tangerine orange Mustang is always a favorite. A friend of ours had a beautiful tangerine stang, built the day before Halloween (he called it the Great Pumpkin) so I always like to see those.

Check out the photographs from the cruise here: